8. Sublime Text

Sublime Text uses a custom UI toolkit with a powerful text editor for code, markup, and prose. You can jump to symbols, lines or words using shortcuts and use multiple selection options to rename variables and manipulate files faster. Sublime Text also offers options for split editing, customizing, project switching and more.

9. Atom

Atom is a text editor with modern code completion features. It comes pre-installed with four UI and eight syntax themes and is easily customizable. Atom is an open-source application, which is built with HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Node.js integration. It runs on the Electron framework for building cross-platform apps using popular web technologies.

10. Brackets

Brackets is a text editor offering advanced features, such as inline editing, live code previewing, preprocessor support, code folding, and command line integration. Brackets is an open-source project started by Adobe Systems. Extract for Brackets is an Adobe extension that lets you pull design information from PSD files, such as colors, fonts, gradients and measurement information and turn it into CSS.

Honorable Mentions

#1. Codenvy

Codenvy offers a variety of versions for different price variations. It also provides cloud workspaces to write, run and debug for app developers and web designers. The availability of cloud workspaces for dev teams makes developing code with portable docker runtimes possible. The dev mode comes in handy while configuring the runtime, injecting root-privileged terminal, SSH access, language services followed with a debugger.

#2. Aptana

Aptana is an eclipse based IDE that was ‘toned down’ to focus only on web applications and popular frameworks. This IDE supports languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, Rails, HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript, meaning it can help you develop and test applications in a single environment. It also comes with an integrated debugger that helps developers inspect a variable, set breakpoints, and even control executions.

#3. CodeLite

Codelite is an open source IDE that specializes in programming languages such as PHP, C++, C, and JavaScript. It fully supports Node.js and has features that include Node.js debugger, compiler, lightweight memory footprints, and intelligent code completion.
If you are a Node.js developer, then there is no lack of necessary tools to get your job done. There are a lot of testing tools, frameworks, and IDEs available for Node.js application development. A lot of application developers are currently working to develop an array of useful applications using Node.js framework. One can easily develop real-time web applications, such as instant messaging or chat applications using Node.js. KeystoneJS is an example of a content management system (CMS) built using Node.js. It is used for building database-driven, modern websites as well as applications and application programming interfaces (APIs). Another is Ghost, a popular blogging platform. Moreover, you can also build servers, games, websites, content management systems and a lot more using this powerful technology.
To become a certified Node.js developer, you can opt for the “Elite NodeJS Course – Become Certified NodeJS Developer” online course. The course comes with 5 hours of video covering 11 sections. It includes courses such as Node.js web server and express, Node package manager, CRUD using Mongo DB, Mongoose and Express, Node Mocha and Chai and many more!
I am sure you must have found this list helpful and will definitely find the perfect Node.js IDE from this list. You can share your feedback on this topic by writing your comments in the comments section below.
Good Luck!!!